Harvestfest Family Night

October 18 at 5:00pm - 8:00pm

About the Event

BrookfieldAll Church EventHarvestfestKids at ElmbrookMission

Friday Family Night

Kids on Mission | Worship and Prayer Night 

Bring the entire family - all generations - to the Brookfield campus Fellowship Hall at 5pm for dinner from Chick-fil-A on Friday, October 18. Following dinner, the Family Ministry Team will host Kids on Mission, featuring our field workers, for kids K3 through 5th grade. They can explore various cultures through worship, stories, and games and will be able to interact with the field workers they have learned about on Sunday mornings.  They will also be encouraged and equipped to pray for our fieldworkers and God’s work in the world through them!  Nursery care will also be available. Register for kids programming HERE or via the link below!

Teens and adults are encouraged to attend the Worship and Prayer Night in the Chapel at 6:30pm. This gathering will allow the Elmbrook family to hear from field workers serving in secure locations among people groups unreached with the gospel. Be part of this night of worship through song and prayer as well as short presentations about the deep joys and real difficulties that come with serving in these difficult places.

Dinner: 5-6:15pm

Kids on Mission: 6:15-8pm 

Worship and Prayer Night: 6:30-8pm

Sign Up for Kids On Mission