Milwaukee Prayer Walks

September 21 at 9:30am - 11:00am

About the Event

BrookfieldLake CountryPrayer

Prayer is an essential part of seeing the good news of Jesus spread near and far, and prayer walking is simply walking slowly and talking with God - alone or with others - as you walk. Join Elmbrook mission leaders and participate in prayer walks around Milwaukee this fall! Participants will gather on a Saturday morning, beginning at a Milwaukee James Place or local partner location, to receive training and safety/logistics guidance, then be sent in pairs or groups on a prayer walk throughout the area before returning for a short debrief.

Prayer walks will occur:

  • September 21, from 9:30am - 11am, at Washington High School, 2525 N Sherman Boulevard, Milwaukee, WI 53210. Meet at the front entrance.
  • November 16, from 11am - 12:30pm, at the International Community Center, 4204 S. Howell Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53207

Watch for more opportunities to participate in prayer walks near Elmbrook's James Place locations and local partner organizations in spring 2025!