The Art of Sharing Your Story

Class January 11 to write your story.  Optional workshop to practice your story and get feedback January 25

About the Event

BrookfieldAdultsCare & SupportMission

Everyone has a story worth sharing. In this workshop, The Art of Sharing Your Story, you will learn how to combine the gospel and your faith journey into a concise and compelling story. The foundational content of the workshop, taught from 9am to noon on Saturday, January 11, will focus on developing your story, writing it in several ways, and learning the importance of adjusting it to different listeners and environments. The second part of the workshop, held on Saturday, January 25, from 9am to noon, is optional to attend. During this second optional Saturday, participants will have the opportunity to practice their stories and receive feedback. Based on 1 Peter 2:15, The Art of Sharing Your Story will give you the confidence to share "the hope that we have in Jesus" with the people we encounter every day.