About the Event
BrookfieldLake CountryCare & SupportPrayer
In the upcoming season of Lent we desire to consecrate ourselves as a church to the Lord. Consecration is when we set aside something for God, give it to Him as a gift for His use. With open-handed surrender we choose to give over more of ourselves, our lives, to Him in love and worship. This is what Jesus did on the cross for us, for the Father. He sacrificed Himself, gave His life as a gift for God's use and for our redemption. Giving God an hour of our time devoted to prayer is one way of doing this. Together we will seek the Lord for increased surrender to Him as a body and as individuals that He might use us more fully for His purposes! During the six weeks of Lent, we will be offering everyone the opportunity to join a weekly hour-long prayer group. Groups will be meeting at a variety of times and days throughout the week either in-person or over Zoom.
Sign up to join a group HERE.