All Elmbrook Church campuses will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.


Christina Winrich

OMF-International | Milwaukee, WI

After 12 years in East Asia, Christina has returned to her hometown of Milwaukee to help care for her aging parents, and she is also continuing to work full-time for OMF International. As a church missions consultant, Christina provides one-to-one coaching and mentorship in addition to leading workshops for church groups interested in doing missions with excellence. She is also the prayer coordinator for OMF's newest sending center, New Horizons, which helps field workers from the global south and parts of Europe serve in East Asia.

  • Pray for God to use OMF's church missions consulting team to help equip the local church in the US to join God in His mission to reach the lost, whether those people are our next-door-neighbors, refugees down the street, or people living overseas.
  • Pray for Christina to receive wisdom, creativity, and insight from the Holy Spirit as she meets with people and church groups in the US and coordinates prayer resources and prayer movements in the nations.
  • Pray for God to use all of OMF's workers to share His love and truth boldly, gently, faithfully, and fruitfully in all of the places He has planted us.
