All Elmbrook Church campuses will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.


Harold & Taylor Diaz

Eastern Dominican Christian Mission | Dominican Republic

Harold and Taylor Diaz work alongside foreign nationals to train and encourage them, whether they are the lead pastor of an existing church plant or in the process of planting a new church. EDCM currently has 6 total church plants, four Dominican-led, and two Haitian-led, all located in the eastern part of the Dominican Republic. EDCM has a seminary to train both future pastors and leaders within the churches. In addition to the church plants, they have Kingdom Businesses such as a water filtration plant, a school, and a medical clinic to build bridges to the communities where churches have been planted.

  • Pray for our Brisas del Mar Medical Clinic as we begin construction on this project. Pray that God provides us with the funds needed for this project, and that we are able to work with the local government smoothly to get the approvals needed in a timely manner.
  • Pray for our two church planters as they are at the beginning stages of planting a church in the community where they felt called to. Pray for Harold as he guides them through this church planting process, and that the community members would be open to receiving the new pastors.
  • Pray for our family as we become adjusted to ministry with having a young child now. Pray that we are able to find a balance between ministry and family time as our roles continue to grow and the ministry continues to expand.
