All Elmbrook Church campuses will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.


Mariano & Fanny Pineda

One Collective | Galicia, Spain

Mariano and Fanny live and work on the Camino de Santiago (St. James Way), an ancient pilgrimage that draws hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world each year. Together, they founded Wandering Monks, a nonprofit that seeks to foster the spiritual development of all people. They focus their work in three main areas: hospitality (through Casa de Pan, a guest house right on the Camino), soul care (through one-on-one spiritual direction and group retreats), and spiritual formation (through the ministry of the written word, guiding groups on the Camino, and Godly Play®).

  • Pray for us as we lead and cast vision for Wandering Monks and Casa de Pan. Pray for wisdom and direction from the Holy Spirit.
  • Pray for Casa de Pan and the final steps for finishing the hospitality house. Our goal is to have the house ready for guests by spring 2024.
  • Pray for the pilgrims God will bring to Casa de Pan, either those who physically walk or those whose hearts are set on pilgrimage (Psalm 84:5). Pray for lives transformed by the love of God. Just like those on the road to Emmaus, we pray that Jesus will reveal Himself to them in the breaking of the bread, through Scripture, and through encounters around the table.
  • Pray for each family member's continual progress in their pilgrimage with Jesus, that we will be salt and light to their neighbors in the village of Angueira de Castro.
