
Elmbrook Church celebrates believers' baptism by immersion in water.

Why? Baptism is an outward expression of your faith and an inward decision to follow Christ. It's also a powerful act of obedience.

Our next baptism is scheduled for Sunday, March 16, 2025.

We invite you to say, "Yes, I have decided to follow Jesus!" by participating in baptism during one of the services on Sunday, March 16.

To prepare you for baptism a class will take place on Sunday, March 9 at 10:45am. Registration coming soon!

If you are unsure about being ready to take this next step, please talk with one of our pastors or prayer leaders after a Sunday service or call the church office at 262.786.7051.

Parent Child Dedication

Parent Child Dedication is a way for parents of younger children to declare their own commitment to raise their child in a home where God is at the center.

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